Networking and transfer project

The networking and transfer project Aqua-X-Net accompanies the 12 joint projects of the BMBF funding measure “Hydrological extreme events (WaX)” (ger.: Wasser-Extremereignisse). Aqua-X-Net is jointly implemented by the German Committee for Disaster Reduction (DKKV) and the University of Potsdam.

The project aims for exchange and building networks between the 12 research projects during various conferences and thematic workshops. Furthermore, Aqua-X-Net is responsible for public outreach and a comphrensive and adapted communication of the research results. Target group-oriented communication takes place through both practical and scientific publications, such as policy briefs, a best practice toolbox for water management practices and a special issue in an internationally peer-reviewed journal.
Through this exchange and through a cross-project synthesis of the research results, Aqua-X-Net enables a sustainable and target group-oriented transfer of practice to the economy, practice, politics and the general public. Overall, Aqua-X-Net aims to contribute to improved management of water extremes through networking, finding synergies and knowledge exchange that goes beyond the outreach of the individual projects.
Working focus
- Organisation and implementation of joint meetings of all project partners
- Exchange of knowledge and networking
- Synthesis of cross-cutting project results
- Elaboration of recommendations for action
- Transfer of practical knowledge
- Public relations and communication

Project period:
01.11.2021 – 30.04.2025
Dr. Benni Thiebes
German Committee for Disaster Reduction (DKKV) e.V.
Project partner:
Prof. Dr. Annegret Thieken
University of Potsdam
Contact DKKV:
Melanie Schwarz
- +49 (0) 228 26 199 570
Contact Uni Potsdam:
Dr. Dr. Jennifer von Keyserlingk
- +49 (0) 331 977 22 81